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Monday, November 21, 2011

The Craw Faces a Medical Infestation

It wasn’t a dark or stormy night in the Underworld.

Well, not more than any average west coast evening in the Underworld, where The Craw paced furiously in his Lair, wearing a small trench in his earthen floor. He had just come back from the medical clinic – a small little problem with parts of his face rotting off after 4,645 years of abuse, and some unwanted tenants therein.

With a heavy sigh, he logged onto the Undernet and for once, bypassed his favorite site full of pictures of saucy otters and several fetching young badgers in skimpy fur outfits.
Absentmindedly extracting a small rodent from an open wound in his face and flinging it into a corner, he logged on to his medical portal to see if his test results were in. His ancient eyes glowed with excitement as a small skull and crossbones icon appeared to let him know his medical mail was waiting.

“Oh boy!” exclaimed The Craw, for he was far too tired to initiate a search of his vocabulary database for a more exciting phrase.

The news was not as bad as he had expected. He appeared to have a small infestation of Nutria living in several puckered holes in his face, and he ran a long claw under his chin thoughtfully. Oh sure, there was a lotion for that, but what fun was it to kill by ointment? No fun at all, he was pretty sure. There had to be a more fun-based approach to de-vermining his craggy visage.

It was obvious that he would have to commit some time to devising the perfect plan. The Craw’s brain sputtered roughly to life as he rebooted his cerebellum, hoping for some increased speed, or to free up some…..what was it?

Oh yes…memory.

Several dark and disturbing plans began to form in his mind, and the distant sound of hoofbeats thundered ominously from somewhere within the author’s brain. The Craw concentrated forcefully, and his eyes turned blood-red from the exertion of his thoughts. With a sudden pop, and a loud wheeze, his brain blew out a small artery, and sputtered to a halt, with several half-formed ideas still encased in their gelatinous packaging.

Knowing further development was unlikely, The Craw unwrapped the first idea with a glee bordering on hysteria, as he pictured the squatting family of Nutria being evicted from his facial crags, hopefully at an hour most inconvenient to his unwanted guests.

"Mwaaaaaah-hahahahah!” laughed The Craw evilly, picturing the varmints being awakened early from their repose, and tossed unceremoniously out of his face and onto the earthen floor, where he would point at them and accuse them of acts that would shock even the most flagrant violators of taste and decorum. That would show them.

On the other hand, The Craw wasn’t sure if that plan was vengeful enough to cheer him from his current doldrums.

Opening another half-baked idea, The Craw pondered this one for some time. It required extensive planning, several lengths of audio wire, a USB port, 16 “D” batteries, a transgendered pineapple-flavored squirrel, and several pages of XML code. In fact, this plan was so half-baked, The Craw wasn’t entirely sure what the plan actually WAS, and in keeping with his usual modus operandi, he chose that plan above all others.
To be continued.....….or is it?

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